Prices in Downey


Wildlife control is specialty work, and every job is different. There's no one-price-fits all option. To get a free price quote over the phone for your wildlife situation, call us at 562-321-5049 and describe your animal issue, and we can give you a phone estimate. Factors that can affect price include:

  • Type of animal and number of animals
  • Location of animals (yard, or in attic?)
  • Number of trap setups we will need to use
  • Amount of animal damage repairs needed
  • Size of house, extent of inspection needed
  • Potential dangerous roof or animal factors
  • Do you need animal waste and odor cleanup?
  • Driving distance to your property

Downey trapping Our company has been in service in the metropolitan area for over ten years, giving our team experience in handling a variety of situations with different animals -which they use alongside up-to-date training methods and equipment to be able to provide quality service. There’s an importance in removing wildlife from your home, particularly because of what they carry. A common fact is that animal droppings may cause harm and diseases when they are inhaled or directly held. There are instances where the property gets damaged as well due to the animals chewing onto walls and wires or the droppings causing mold and odor to build up in certain corners. This unpleasant experience is something we wouldn’t want our customers to go deal with, which is why we keep our services open 24 hours a day. We are also open to emergency critter removal in the event that an animal suddenly comes inside your house. Although they may be carrying illnesses with them, we make sure not to harm these animals throughout the removal process. Our methods are humane and we make sure our team refrains from using harmful traps or poisoning to get the critters out of the property. We apply this for both residential and commercial properties, regardless of whether the animal is inside or outside. With our doors open all throughout the day, you may feel free to contact us any time of the day and our team will be ready to pick up the phone to get your issues fixed up in no time!